Icon LinkDefining The Storage Block

Next, we'll introduce the storage block. This block is where you store state variables in your contract that need to be persistent. Any Sway primitive type can be placed in the storage block.

Variables declared within a function and not saved in the storage block will be discarded once the function completes its execution.

use std::{
struct Item {
    id: u64,
    price: u64,
    owner: Identity,
    metadata: str[20],
    total_bought: u64,
abi SwayStore {
    // a function to list an item for sale
    // takes the price and metadata as args
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]);
    // a function to buy an item
    // takes the item id as the arg
    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64);
    // a function to get a certain item
    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item;
    // a function to set the contract owner
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity;
    // a function to withdraw contract funds
    fn withdraw_funds();
    // return the number of items listed
    fn get_count() -> u64;
storage {
    // counter for total items listed
    item_counter: u64 = 0,
    // map of item IDs to Items
    item_map: StorageMap<u64, Item> = StorageMap {},
    // owner of the contract
    owner: Option<Identity> = Option::None,
enum InvalidError {
    IncorrectAssetId: AssetId,
    NotEnoughTokens: u64,
    OnlyOwner: Identity,
impl SwayStore for Contract {
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]) {
        // increment the item counter
        storage.item_counter.write(storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap() + 1);
        //  get the message sender
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        // configure the item
        let new_item: Item = Item {
            id: storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap(),
            price: price,
            owner: sender,
            metadata: metadata,
            total_bought: 0,
        // save the new item to storage using the counter value
        storage.item_map.insert(storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap(), new_item);
    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64) {
        // get the asset id for the asset sent
        let asset_id = msg_asset_id();
        // require that the correct asset was sent
        require(asset_id == BASE_ASSET_ID, InvalidError::IncorrectAssetId(asset_id));
        // get the amount of coins sent
        let amount = msg_amount();
        // get the item to buy
        let mut item = storage.item_map.get(item_id).try_read().unwrap();
        // require that the amount is at least the price of the item
        require(amount >= item.price, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));
        // update the total amount bought
        item.total_bought += 1;
        // update the item in the storage map
        storage.item_map.insert(item_id, item);
        // only charge commission if price is more than 0.1 ETH
        if amount > 100_000_000 {
            // keep a 5% commission
            let commission = amount / 20;
            let new_amount = amount - commission;
            // send the payout minus commission to the seller
            transfer(item.owner, asset_id, new_amount);
        } else {
            // send the full payout to the seller
            transfer(item.owner, asset_id, amount);
    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item {
        // returns the item for the given item_id
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity {
        let owner = storage.owner.try_read().unwrap();
        // make sure the owner has NOT already been initialized
        require(owner.is_none(), "owner already initialized");
        // get the identity of the sender
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
        // set the owner to the sender's identity
        // return the owner
    fn withdraw_funds() {
        let owner = storage.owner.try_read().unwrap();
        // make sure the owner has been initialized
        require(owner.is_some(), "owner not initialized");
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
        // require the sender to be the owner
        require(sender == owner.unwrap(), InvalidError::OnlyOwner(sender));
        // get the current balance of this contract for the base asset
        let amount = this_balance(BASE_ASSET_ID);
        // require the contract balance to be more than 0
        require(amount > 0, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));
        // send the amount to the owner
        transfer(owner.unwrap(), BASE_ASSET_ID, amount);
    fn get_count() -> u64 {

The first variable we've stored is item_counter, a number initialized to 0. This counter can be used to track the total number of items listed.

Icon LinkStorageMap

A StorageMap is a unique type that permits the saving of key-value pairs within a storage block.

To define a storage map, you need to specify the types for both the key and the value. For instance, in the example below, the key type is u64, and the value type is an Item struct.

use std::{
struct Item {
    id: u64,
    price: u64,
    owner: Identity,
    metadata: str[20],
    total_bought: u64,
abi SwayStore {
    // a function to list an item for sale
    // takes the price and metadata as args
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]);
    // a function to buy an item
    // takes the item id as the arg
    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64);
    // a function to get a certain item
    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item;
    // a function to set the contract owner
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity;
    // a function to withdraw contract funds
    fn withdraw_funds();
    // return the number of items listed
    fn get_count() -> u64;
storage {
    // counter for total items listed
    item_counter: u64 = 0,
    // map of item IDs to Items
    item_map: StorageMap<u64, Item> = StorageMap {},
    // owner of the contract
    owner: Option<Identity> = Option::None,
enum InvalidError {
    IncorrectAssetId: AssetId,
    NotEnoughTokens: u64,
    OnlyOwner: Identity,
impl SwayStore for Contract {
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]) {
        // increment the item counter
        storage.item_counter.write(storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap() + 1);
        //  get the message sender
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        // configure the item
        let new_item: Item = Item {
            id: storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap(),
            price: price,
            owner: sender,
            metadata: metadata,
            total_bought: 0,
        // save the new item to storage using the counter value
        storage.item_map.insert(storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap(), new_item);
    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64) {
        // get the asset id for the asset sent
        let asset_id = msg_asset_id();
        // require that the correct asset was sent
        require(asset_id == BASE_ASSET_ID, InvalidError::IncorrectAssetId(asset_id));
        // get the amount of coins sent
        let amount = msg_amount();
        // get the item to buy
        let mut item = storage.item_map.get(item_id).try_read().unwrap();
        // require that the amount is at least the price of the item
        require(amount >= item.price, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));
        // update the total amount bought
        item.total_bought += 1;
        // update the item in the storage map
        storage.item_map.insert(item_id, item);
        // only charge commission if price is more than 0.1 ETH
        if amount > 100_000_000 {
            // keep a 5% commission
            let commission = amount / 20;
            let new_amount = amount - commission;
            // send the payout minus commission to the seller
            transfer(item.owner, asset_id, new_amount);
        } else {
            // send the full payout to the seller
            transfer(item.owner, asset_id, amount);
    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item {
        // returns the item for the given item_id
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity {
        let owner = storage.owner.try_read().unwrap();
        // make sure the owner has NOT already been initialized
        require(owner.is_none(), "owner already initialized");
        // get the identity of the sender
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
        // set the owner to the sender's identity
        // return the owner
    fn withdraw_funds() {
        let owner = storage.owner.try_read().unwrap();
        // make sure the owner has been initialized
        require(owner.is_some(), "owner not initialized");
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
        // require the sender to be the owner
        require(sender == owner.unwrap(), InvalidError::OnlyOwner(sender));
        // get the current balance of this contract for the base asset
        let amount = this_balance(BASE_ASSET_ID);
        // require the contract balance to be more than 0
        require(amount > 0, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));
        // send the amount to the owner
        transfer(owner.unwrap(), BASE_ASSET_ID, amount);
    fn get_count() -> u64 {

Here, we are creating a mapping from the item's ID to the Item struct. Using this, we can retrieve information about an item using its ID.

Icon LinkOptions

Here, we are defining the owner variable as one that can either be None or hold an Identity.

use std::{
struct Item {
    id: u64,
    price: u64,
    owner: Identity,
    metadata: str[20],
    total_bought: u64,
abi SwayStore {
    // a function to list an item for sale
    // takes the price and metadata as args
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]);
    // a function to buy an item
    // takes the item id as the arg
    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64);
    // a function to get a certain item
    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item;
    // a function to set the contract owner
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity;
    // a function to withdraw contract funds
    fn withdraw_funds();
    // return the number of items listed
    fn get_count() -> u64;
storage {
    // counter for total items listed
    item_counter: u64 = 0,
    // map of item IDs to Items
    item_map: StorageMap<u64, Item> = StorageMap {},
    // owner of the contract
    owner: Option<Identity> = Option::None,
enum InvalidError {
    IncorrectAssetId: AssetId,
    NotEnoughTokens: u64,
    OnlyOwner: Identity,
impl SwayStore for Contract {
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]) {
        // increment the item counter
        storage.item_counter.write(storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap() + 1);
        //  get the message sender
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        // configure the item
        let new_item: Item = Item {
            id: storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap(),
            price: price,
            owner: sender,
            metadata: metadata,
            total_bought: 0,
        // save the new item to storage using the counter value
        storage.item_map.insert(storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap(), new_item);
    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64) {
        // get the asset id for the asset sent
        let asset_id = msg_asset_id();
        // require that the correct asset was sent
        require(asset_id == BASE_ASSET_ID, InvalidError::IncorrectAssetId(asset_id));
        // get the amount of coins sent
        let amount = msg_amount();
        // get the item to buy
        let mut item = storage.item_map.get(item_id).try_read().unwrap();
        // require that the amount is at least the price of the item
        require(amount >= item.price, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));
        // update the total amount bought
        item.total_bought += 1;
        // update the item in the storage map
        storage.item_map.insert(item_id, item);
        // only charge commission if price is more than 0.1 ETH
        if amount > 100_000_000 {
            // keep a 5% commission
            let commission = amount / 20;
            let new_amount = amount - commission;
            // send the payout minus commission to the seller
            transfer(item.owner, asset_id, new_amount);
        } else {
            // send the full payout to the seller
            transfer(item.owner, asset_id, amount);
    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item {
        // returns the item for the given item_id
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity {
        let owner = storage.owner.try_read().unwrap();
        // make sure the owner has NOT already been initialized
        require(owner.is_none(), "owner already initialized");
        // get the identity of the sender
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
        // set the owner to the sender's identity
        // return the owner
    fn withdraw_funds() {
        let owner = storage.owner.try_read().unwrap();
        // make sure the owner has been initialized
        require(owner.is_some(), "owner not initialized");
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
        // require the sender to be the owner
        require(sender == owner.unwrap(), InvalidError::OnlyOwner(sender));
        // get the current balance of this contract for the base asset
        let amount = this_balance(BASE_ASSET_ID);
        // require the contract balance to be more than 0
        require(amount > 0, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));
        // send the amount to the owner
        transfer(owner.unwrap(), BASE_ASSET_ID, amount);
    fn get_count() -> u64 {

If you want a value to be potentially null or undefined under specific conditions, you can employ the Option type. It's an enum that can take on either Some(value) or None. The keyword None indicates the absence of a value, while Some signifies the presence of a stored value.

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