Icon LinkDefining the Program Type

The first line of the file is specifically reserved to inform the compiler whether we are writing a contract, script, predicate, or library. To designate the file as a contract, use the contract keyword.

use std::{
struct Item {
    id: u64,
    price: u64,
    owner: Identity,
    metadata: str[20],
    total_bought: u64,
abi SwayStore {
    // a function to list an item for sale
    // takes the price and metadata as args
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]);
    // a function to buy an item
    // takes the item id as the arg
    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64);
    // a function to get a certain item
    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item;
    // a function to set the contract owner
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity;
    // a function to withdraw contract funds
    fn withdraw_funds();
    // return the number of items listed
    fn get_count() -> u64;
storage {
    // counter for total items listed
    item_counter: u64 = 0,
    // map of item IDs to Items
    item_map: StorageMap<u64, Item> = StorageMap {},
    // owner of the contract
    owner: Option<Identity> = Option::None,
enum InvalidError {
    IncorrectAssetId: AssetId,
    NotEnoughTokens: u64,
    OnlyOwner: Identity,
impl SwayStore for Contract {
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]) {
        // increment the item counter
        storage.item_counter.write(storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap() + 1);
        //  get the message sender
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        // configure the item
        let new_item: Item = Item {
            id: storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap(),
            price: price,
            owner: sender,
            metadata: metadata,
            total_bought: 0,
        // save the new item to storage using the counter value
        storage.item_map.insert(storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap(), new_item);
    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64) {
        // get the asset id for the asset sent
        let asset_id = msg_asset_id();
        // require that the correct asset was sent
        require(asset_id == BASE_ASSET_ID, InvalidError::IncorrectAssetId(asset_id));
        // get the amount of coins sent
        let amount = msg_amount();
        // get the item to buy
        let mut item = storage.item_map.get(item_id).try_read().unwrap();
        // require that the amount is at least the price of the item
        require(amount >= item.price, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));
        // update the total amount bought
        item.total_bought += 1;
        // update the item in the storage map
        storage.item_map.insert(item_id, item);
        // only charge commission if price is more than 0.1 ETH
        if amount > 100_000_000 {
            // keep a 5% commission
            let commission = amount / 20;
            let new_amount = amount - commission;
            // send the payout minus commission to the seller
            transfer(item.owner, asset_id, new_amount);
        } else {
            // send the full payout to the seller
            transfer(item.owner, asset_id, amount);
    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item {
        // returns the item for the given item_id
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity {
        let owner = storage.owner.try_read().unwrap();
        // make sure the owner has NOT already been initialized
        require(owner.is_none(), "owner already initialized");
        // get the identity of the sender
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
        // set the owner to the sender's identity
        // return the owner
    fn withdraw_funds() {
        let owner = storage.owner.try_read().unwrap();
        // make sure the owner has been initialized
        require(owner.is_some(), "owner not initialized");
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
        // require the sender to be the owner
        require(sender == owner.unwrap(), InvalidError::OnlyOwner(sender));
        // get the current balance of this contract for the base asset
        let amount = this_balance(BASE_ASSET_ID);
        // require the contract balance to be more than 0
        require(amount > 0, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));
        // send the amount to the owner
        transfer(owner.unwrap(), BASE_ASSET_ID, amount);
    fn get_count() -> u64 {

Icon LinkImports

The Sway standard library Icon Link provides several utility types and methods we can use in our contract. To import a library, you can use the use keyword and ::, also called a namespace qualifier, to chain library names like this:

// imports the msg_sender function from the std library
use std::auth::msg_sender;

You can also group together imports using curly brackets:

use std::{

For this contract, here is what needs to be imported:

use std::{
struct Item {
    id: u64,
    price: u64,
    owner: Identity,
    metadata: str[20],
    total_bought: u64,
abi SwayStore {
    // a function to list an item for sale
    // takes the price and metadata as args
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]);
    // a function to buy an item
    // takes the item id as the arg
    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64);
    // a function to get a certain item
    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item;
    // a function to set the contract owner
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity;
    // a function to withdraw contract funds
    fn withdraw_funds();
    // return the number of items listed
    fn get_count() -> u64;
storage {
    // counter for total items listed
    item_counter: u64 = 0,
    // map of item IDs to Items
    item_map: StorageMap<u64, Item> = StorageMap {},
    // owner of the contract
    owner: Option<Identity> = Option::None,
enum InvalidError {
    IncorrectAssetId: AssetId,
    NotEnoughTokens: u64,
    OnlyOwner: Identity,
impl SwayStore for Contract {
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn list_item(price: u64, metadata: str[20]) {
        // increment the item counter
        storage.item_counter.write(storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap() + 1);
        //  get the message sender
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap();
        // configure the item
        let new_item: Item = Item {
            id: storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap(),
            price: price,
            owner: sender,
            metadata: metadata,
            total_bought: 0,
        // save the new item to storage using the counter value
        storage.item_map.insert(storage.item_counter.try_read().unwrap(), new_item);
    #[storage(read, write), payable]
    fn buy_item(item_id: u64) {
        // get the asset id for the asset sent
        let asset_id = msg_asset_id();
        // require that the correct asset was sent
        require(asset_id == BASE_ASSET_ID, InvalidError::IncorrectAssetId(asset_id));
        // get the amount of coins sent
        let amount = msg_amount();
        // get the item to buy
        let mut item = storage.item_map.get(item_id).try_read().unwrap();
        // require that the amount is at least the price of the item
        require(amount >= item.price, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));
        // update the total amount bought
        item.total_bought += 1;
        // update the item in the storage map
        storage.item_map.insert(item_id, item);
        // only charge commission if price is more than 0.1 ETH
        if amount > 100_000_000 {
            // keep a 5% commission
            let commission = amount / 20;
            let new_amount = amount - commission;
            // send the payout minus commission to the seller
            transfer(item.owner, asset_id, new_amount);
        } else {
            // send the full payout to the seller
            transfer(item.owner, asset_id, amount);
    fn get_item(item_id: u64) -> Item {
        // returns the item for the given item_id
    #[storage(read, write)]
    fn initialize_owner() -> Identity {
        let owner = storage.owner.try_read().unwrap();
        // make sure the owner has NOT already been initialized
        require(owner.is_none(), "owner already initialized");
        // get the identity of the sender
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
        // set the owner to the sender's identity
        // return the owner
    fn withdraw_funds() {
        let owner = storage.owner.try_read().unwrap();
        // make sure the owner has been initialized
        require(owner.is_some(), "owner not initialized");
        let sender = msg_sender().unwrap(); 
        // require the sender to be the owner
        require(sender == owner.unwrap(), InvalidError::OnlyOwner(sender));
        // get the current balance of this contract for the base asset
        let amount = this_balance(BASE_ASSET_ID);
        // require the contract balance to be more than 0
        require(amount > 0, InvalidError::NotEnoughTokens(amount));
        // send the amount to the owner
        transfer(owner.unwrap(), BASE_ASSET_ID, amount);
    fn get_count() -> u64 {

We'll go through what each of these imports does as we use them in the next steps.

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